Jumaat, 2 Disember 2011

New Experience!

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Bagaimana IMAN? Harapnya sihat sejahtera, insyaALLAH. Kali ni ana nak kongsi sedikit pengalaman berusrah dan beraktiviti di luar. Yes, this is my first time usrah outside Uniten Mosque.

It was such a wonderful time eventhough its raining as we do some activity that I've never think before. At first, we gather at UNITEN's Mosque around 6.30 pm. Then, we went to the Putrajaya's Mosque with a car and three motorcycles.

We reached at the mosque and prayed there. After that, we got one assignment. One off us need to approach some outsider and ask him to take a picture of us and he took two pictures. :D The reasons of that assignment was to teach us the way to approach other people and know each other. You can just ask someone to help you but it is better to know him first right?

Okay, then we recite Al-Quran and was given another assignment. We were ask to find someone else and ask him about 'tajwid' in Al-Quran. The reasons was to teach us that we need to ask someone if we does not know something. Dont pretend as you know something if you dont.

Next, we have our discussion. Today we discuss about 'Akhlak Islamiah' :

  • Rasulullah is the perfect role model.
  • You need to 'ikhlas' when doing something. If not, ALLAH dont accept it as Ibadah.
  • We need to wacth our relationship with other person,animal and also the nature. One example is ABu Hurairah : Cats lover.
  • Ahlak Islamiah can build by :

*hardworking and sincere in ibadah*
*be friend with 'orang-orang soleh'*
*always do good thing*
*can accept advice from other people*
*pray hard*
*take 'sirah anbiya' as example*
*the way you've been taught at home*

  • The most powerful person in the world is the most patient person.

Then, we went to presint 9 to have dinner and our big brother treat us for a drink. Then, we went home.

Okay, malay back. Syukran kepada antum semua yang sudi meluangkan masa untuk membaca post ana kali ni. Kalau ada salah dan silap dalam ana berspeaking, tolong perbetulkan. Sama-sama kita belajar.

Satu mutiara kata yang ana ingin kongsi kali ni :

"Sebaik-baik yang engkau mohon dariNya ialah (mohonlah) hidayah (dariNya) agar mampu laksanakan apa yang Dia perintahkan"
Syeikh Ibnu Athailah

p/s Alhamdulillah, iftar yang dianjurkan semalam mendapat sambutan yang menggalakkan. Semoga lebih ramai yang berpuasa sunat lepas ni, insyaALLAH.

5 ulasan:

  1. nice entry..move forward,n making the big 'momentum' ;-)..

  2. kurangkan marah hati jadi gembira,
    banyakkan menangis hati jadi lega.

    #tips bersabar..inchaAllah!

    #smlm aku masak utk iftar smlm..hehehe
